Tuesday, October 21, 2008

teaching Google searching for teens, a game for teaching it

I found a great tool to use with my students to teach them how to better use the Google search engine.  This mini presentation goes over the general directions for narrowing a topic search and then gives students an activity to do in order to practice these new topic search skills.  Perfect for a prep activity to do with students before beginning a research project!!  check it out.

First go to http://google.com/educators/6_12.html.   Then Go to "General" and download the pdf file  for "Success in Teaching Teens to Search the Internet: Playing a New Google Game.   

Thing 3, Dribbling Lessons & info sites

I plan to use the research planning calculator with my music research project next quarter.  I am wondering if I can change dates for steps in the project that will probably be altered during the quarter.??
I enjoyed checking out the new information sites suggested, Driven to Discover from the University of MN and Fact Monster.  Both of these sites were new to me.
The U of MN research site has information on current reserach going on in every college at the U today.  I am going to share with my students a research study on Girls and excercise, which goes into details on how they have proved that healthy exercise not only makes for a healthy body but also for a healthy mind and better academic scores/grades and success in school and jobs.
The Fact Monster I like because there are links to facts written for all subject areas and specifically for kids, teens, etc.   This will be a good suggestion for teens with lower reading skills who are trying to do research that they can read.